Kim Meijer


Els Kim-Meijer LLM, MA graduated from the University of Groningen in 1989 and in 1996. She has worked as an (international) family-law lawyer, international child abduction lawyer and (international) divorce mediator for 22 years. Els also works as a cross border mediator and a family coach.

Els has gained considerable (procedural and mediation) experience in complex (international) divorce cases for entrepreneurs and (wealthy) private individuals and all related cases, including arrangements in respect of (international) proprietary rights, (international) maintenance arrangements, (international) care arrangements, (international) custody arrangements, international access arrangements, international relocations and international child abduction cases. Due to her own personal background and her work Els has a global network of excellent family law attorneys and cross border mediators.

In her practice, emphasis is placed on the position of children. Due to her interest in children Els completed a study as guardian ad litem and attended an intensive training as child coach at the Tea Adema Centre in 2014 - 2015. Els helps children to cope with their feelings of loss, anger and guilt after a divorce or after an international child abduction. Els gives parents tools to help their children to learn to come to terms with these feelings, as these feelings can effect the adolescence and the maturity of their children.

Outside her practice, Els is active as a guest lecturer at recognized training institutes in the field of family law and civil procedural law. Els is a member of the Dutch Association of Family Lawyers and Divorce Mediators (vFas), Collaborative Divorce Holland (VvCP), D.I.A.L. the Dutch Association of child abduction lawyers and LEPCA (Lawyers in Europe on Parental Child Abduction).

Els has registered the following main areas of law in the Register of Legal Practice of the Netherlands Bar Association:

  • family law;
  • On the basis of this registration, she is required to obtain ten training points each calendar year in this registered main area of law in accordance with the standards of the Dutch Bar Association.

    els kim-meijer vereniging van collaborative professionals dutch international child abduction lawyers mediatorsfederatie nederland vereniging van Familierecht Advocaten Scheidingsmediators
    • T+31 (0)70 - 82 00 305
    • F+31 (0)20 - 75 08 951
    • Bezuidenhoutseweg 123
    • 2594 AE The Hague