Kim Meijer

Cross Border Mediation

Kim-Meijer is known for her ability to work with (expat) families in ending access and custody disagreements across international borders. Deployments, separations or divorces, international parental child abduction/wrongful retention, relocation, custody, visitation across international borders, may present challenges that require changes in current custody, visitation, and child support orders. Going to court to resolve such matters can be extremely costly as the legal actions will drag on. Cross border mediation is a specialized form of family mediation. It provides services to families separated by borders and offers a way for families to craft their own agreement as to the child's residence, the international parenting plan and international visitation rights and child support orders in accordance with the parents' needs with the assistance of two specialist mediators, who are familiar with international children's cases. The mediation takes place in a safe and impartial environment and focuses on the interests of the child and a permanently positive relationship with both parents and other family members. The child's voice is important. It is possible that a realistic and practical solution can be reached which would remove the need for (further) court proceedings. The agreement reached by the parents can be presented to the court to be signed into order.

  • T+31 (0)70 - 82 00 305
  • F+31 (0)20 - 75 08 951
  • Bezuidenhoutseweg 123
  • 2594 AE The Hague
  • Postbus 93380
  • 2509 AJ The Hague