Kim Meijer

Divorce mediation

Increasing numbers of divorcing couples are opting for divorce mediation. The mediation process enables you to take decisions on the consequences of your divorce by mutual agreement. As a lawyer-mediator Kim-Meijer understands emotional and relational problems. It is her job to provide you with legal advice and to ensure you are able to negotiate and make decisions on an equal footing. You will receive advice about ways to resolve any disagreements. If you have children, the care and access model will be used to establish what you as parents feel is important for your children, now and in the future. Kim-Meijer will also discuss what you as parents can do to give your children proper guidance in this respect. As a lawyer-mediator Kim-Meijer will record the final agreements in a divorce agreement. The agreements made about your children can be set out separately in a parenthood plan. The court will be asked to incorporate your agreements into its judgment. You will not be required to attend any hearings.

  • T+31 (0)70 - 82 00 305
  • F+31 (0)20 - 75 08 951
  • Bezuidenhoutseweg 123
  • 2594 AE The Hague
  • Postbus 93380
  • 2509 AJ The Hague